Regular Council Meeting Agenda


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This meeting will be hosted and chaired from the Town of Essex Municipal Building.  Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the Town of Essex Municipal Building not being open to the public at this time, this meeting can only be viewed by the public electronically via livestream on YouTube at

  • That the published agenda for the February 16, 2021 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented / amended.

  • That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held February 1, 2021 be adopted as circulated.

RE: Award presentation to the recipients of the Community Heritage Preservation Award

RE: Heritage Week 2021 Virtual Tours

RE: Climate Ready - A Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Town of Essex

  • Climate Change Adaption Plan
  • That Council adopt the Town of Essex Climate Change Adaptation Plan entitled “ Climate Ready – A Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Town of Essex 2021- 2026”   and direct Administration to begin the implementation process identified in said Plan, and

    That Council appoint the Chief Administrative Officer as the Climate Change Adaptation Champion for the Town of Essex, to lead outreach activities and help solidify the awareness and long-term commitment to Climate Ready – A Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Town of Essex 2021-2026, and

    That the Town of Essex hereby declare a Climate Emergency as follows:

    WHEREAS the Town of Essex is desirous of adopting a Climate Change Adaptation Plan;

    AND WHEREAS the Town of Essex has invested in the creation of the Essex Region Community Energy Plan, in partnership with the County of Essex, the Essex Region Conservation Authority, the other County of Essex municipalities, and regional stakeholders,  for the purpose of collectively mitigating the risk of climate change by reducing regional emissions and energy consumption;

    AND WHEREAS based on current climate projections the future impacts of human caused climate change could be catastrophic to the Town of Essex's local economy and its municipal budget and may further result in significant economic and health burdens for the constituents of Essex particularly our vulnerable populations;

    AND WHEREAS the Town of Essex can join the Canadian Federal government and the 444 Canadian municipalities (including the City of Windsor, County of Essex, Town of Amherstburg, Town of Tecumseh, and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent) who as of November 2019 have declared climate emergencies and are advocating for drastic change in order to reduce global carbon emissions to mitigate future climate impacts and adapt to the impacts from climate change;

    AND WHEREAS the most recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has indicated that within 10 years, in order to keep the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degree C and maintain a climate compatible with human civilization, there must be a reduction in carbon emissions of about 45% from 2010 levels, reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050; and,

    AND WHEREAS taking climate action steps and undergoing the low-carbon transition will also represent opportunity for economic stimulation and growing job opportunities in the new low-carbon economy;

    AND WHEREAS climate change will jeopardize the health and survival of many local plant and animal species as well as their natural environments and ecosystems;

    AND WHEREAS the Town of Essex and the surrounding region is already experiencing climate change impacts including, but not limited to, overland flooding, heavy rain event flooding, emergence of invasive species, an increased number of high heat days, the rise of vector borne diseases, the re-emergence of blue-green algae and harmful algal blooms in our lakes and rivers; and,

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Essex declare a Climate Emergency and commit to urgently working towards adapting to the impacts of climate change, mitigating climate risk, and preparing for our climate future.  

RE: Results of Request for Tender – Harrow Streetscape

  • That Capital Works and Infrastructure-2021-01 entitled, “Results of Request for Tender – Harrow Streetscape” prepared by Kevin Girard, Director, Infrastructure Services dated February 16, 2021 be received, and

    That Council award the Request for Tender – Harrow Streetscape to J.C.S. Construction Inc. in the amount of $4,664,479.36 including non-refundable Harmonized Sales Tax.

RE: Town of Essex Flag and Half-Masting Protocol Policy

  • That Community Services Report 2021-001 entitled “Town of Essex Flag and Half-Masting Protocol Policy” be received, and

    That Council adopt the Town of Essex Flag and Half-Mast Protocol Policy as presented in Appendix “A” of Community Service Report 2021-001.

RE: Heritage Listing: Ferriss and Huffman Cemeteries

  • That Planning Report 2021-02 entitled Heritage Listing: Ferriss & Huffman  Cemeteries prepared by Corinne Chiasson, Assistant Planner, dated February 16, 2021 be received, and

    That the properties known municipally as the Ferriss Cemetery and the Huffman Cemetery be listed on the Essex Municipal Heritage Register pursuant to subsection 27 (1.2) of the Ontario Heritage Act.

RE: Court of Revision for 13th Concession West Drain: New Bridge for Martin

  • That the following three (3) members of the Drainage Board: Dan Boudreau, Luke Martin, and Kirk Carter be appointed to sit as members of the Court of Revision to be convened for the 13th Concession West Drain: New Bridge for Martin, Geographic Township of Colchester North, Project REI2020D027, Town of Essex, County of Essex, pursuant to the Report prepared by Gerard Rood, Professional Engineer, Rood Engineering Inc. and dated January 12, 2021 (hereinafter the “Report”), such Court of Revision to be scheduled for 5:00 pm on March 11, 2021, via electronic meeting, and

    That By-Law 1988 being a by-law to provide for the 13th Concession West Drain: New Bridge for Martin, Geographic Township of Colchester North, Project REI2020D027, Town of Essex, County of Essex, be read a first and second time and be provisionally adopted on February 16, 2021.

  • That all of the correspondence listed in Agenda Item 12.1 be received and, where indicated, to further share such information with the community using suitable methods of communication.

RE: Section 22 Class Order - Self Isolation

RE: Enhancing Public Health and Workplace Safety Measures in the Provincewide Shutdown January 29, 2021

RE: Impacts of COVID-19 Restrictions on Residents and Small Business Owners

RE: Support of Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff

RE: Closure of the Ontario Fire College located in Gravenhurst, Ontario

RE: Notice of Completion - Contract 1 (Highway 3)

RE: Request for Longer Turn-around Times to Submit Grant Applications

RE: Assessment Review Board (ARB) Digital First Approach - Looking Ahead 

RE: Windsor Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Public Consultation Launch Update

RE: Town of Essex Launches Summer Youth Jobs Program

RE: Town of Essex Seeking Feedback from Farmers, Food Producers, and Agricultural Businesses

RE: Town of Essex Accessibility Resources for Local Businesses

  • That all the Committee Meeting minutes listed in Agenda Item 13, together with any recommendations to Council noted therein, be received, approved and adopted as circulated.

RE: Surplus Property Sold in Open Market

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That when Council deems public property as surplus such property will be sold by request for proposal and/or listed on the open market to ensure that properties are sold in a transparent manner and for the highest price.

RE: Ad-Hoc Committee

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That Essex Council establish an Ad-Hoc committee to come together to propose regulations and policies around Short Term Rental accommodations in the Town of Essex.

Re: Council Committee Meeting Videos

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That the Council Committee meeting videos be uploaded and put online.

Verbal Report from the Members of Council who virtually attended the ROMA 2021 Conference.

  • Deputy Mayor Meloche
  • Councillor Verbeek


Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the February 1, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex 

  • That By-Law 1986 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the February 1, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Essex, be read a third time and finally passed on February 16, 2021.

Being a by-law to amend By-Law Number 224, the by-law to regulate parking (Loading Zones Centre and Wilson)

  • That By-Law 1991 being a by-law to amend By-Law Number 224, the by-law to regulate parking be read a first, a second and a third time and finally passed on February 16, 2021.

Being a by-law to adopt the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget Estimates

  • That By-Law 1990 being a by-law to adopt the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget Estimates be read a first, a second and a third time and finally passed on February 16, 2021.  

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the February 16, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 1989 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the February 16, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex be read a first and a second time and provisionally adopted on February 16, 2021.

  • That the meeting be adjourned at [TIME].

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