Regular Council Meeting Agenda


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  • That the published agenda for the July 6, 2020 Regular Council Meeting, be adopted as presented / amended.

  • That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held June 15, 2020, be adopted as circulated.

2019 Audited Financial Statements

  • That the presentation of the 2019 Audited Financial Statements for the Town of Essex by Mike Cowan, Partner BDO Canada LLP, be received; and

    That the 2019 Audited Financial Statements for the Town of Essex, be adopted as presented.

RE: COVID-19 Town Response and Updates

RE: Policy for Establishing Speed Limits

  • Policy 2020-01 - Establishing Speed Limits on Town of Essex Roads
  • Petition Form - Speed Limit Review on Town of Essex Road
  • That Infrastructure Services Report 2020-06, entitled "Policy for Establishing Speed Limits", prepared by Kevin Girard, Director, Infrastructure Services, dated July 6, 2020; and

    That Council adopts the Transportation Association of Canada's Guidelines for Establishing Posted Speed Limits as the standard for establishing speed limits on Town of Essex roadways; and

    That Council adopts Infrastructure Services Policy 2020-01 titled, "Establishing Speed Limits n Town of Essex Roads".

RE: Vulnerable Children and Children at Play Signage Requests

  • That Infrastructure Services Report 2020-07, entitled "Vulnerable Children and Children at Play Signage Requests", prepared by Kevin Girard, Director of Infrastructure Services, dated July 6, 2020, be received; and

    That Council authorizes and directs the Infrastructure Services Department to no longer install signage indicating "vulnerable children" or "children at play" in the Town of Essex; and

    That Council authorizes the removal of the existing "vulnerable children" and "children at play" signs when the existing signs fall into disrepair or when the child it serves reaches the age of majority or moves from the area, whichever comes first. 

RE: Adoption of Section 77(3) Engineer Letter of Opinion Richmond Drain Bank Repairs

  • By-Law 1928
    Being a by-law to authorize the repairs of Drainage Works pursuant to Section (3) of the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.D. 17
  • That Drainage Department Report 2020-05, entitled "Adoption of Section 77 (3) Engineer Letter of Opinion Richmond Bank Repairs", prepared by Norman Nussio, Manager of Operations/Drainage, dated July 6, 2020; be received and supported; and

    That By-Law 1928, being a by-law to adopt the Section 77(3) Engineer's Letter of Opinion Richmond Drain Bank Repairs, be read a first, a second and a third time, and finally passed on July 6, 2020.

RE: LIFE lease of Kinsmen Fieldhouse

  • By-Law 1927
    Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a lease agreement between the Town of Essex and Learning in Friendship and Equality (LIFE) 
  • That Community Services Report 2020-03, entitled "CS-2020-LIFE lease of Kinsmen Fieldhouse", prepared by Doug Sweet, Director of Community Services, dated July 6, 2020, be received; and

    That Council approves entering into an agreement with Learning in Friendship and Equality (LIFE) for leased space at the Kinsmen Fieldhouse located at 50 Fairview Avenue West in Essex Centre for one year commencing on the first day of August, 2020 and concluding on July 31, 2021, with an option to renew for an additional two years beginning on August 1, 2021 subject to the general terms and conditions as outlined in By-Law 1927; and further

    That By-Law 1927 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a lease agreement between the Town of Essex and Learning in Friendship and Equality (LIFE), be read a first, a second and a third time, and finally passed on July 6, 2020.

RE: Essex Tourism Events Fund Application

  • That Economic Development Report 2020-09, entitled "Essex Tourism Events Fund Application", prepared by Nelson Silveira, Economic Development Officer, dated July 6, 2020, be received; and

    That Council approves the distribution of $1,000.00 of funding to the Rotary Club of Harrow from the Essex Tourism Events Fund.

RE: Community Policing Survey Results

  • Community Policing Satisfaction Survey
  • That Communications Report 2020-03, entitled "Community Policing Survey Results", prepared by Alex Denonville, Manager, Strategic Communications, dated July 6, 2020, be received as information.

RE: Site Specific Zoning By-Law Amendment, 128 Harvey Street (Lots 23 and 25 on Registered Plan 249)

  • By-Law 1923
    Being a by-law to amend By-Law 1037 The Comprehensive Zoning By-Law for the Town of Essex
    (128 Harvey)
  • That Planning Report 2020-13, entitled "Site Specific Zoning By-Law Amendment, 128 Harvey Street (Lots 23 and 25 on Registered Plan 249)", prepared by Rita Jabbour, Manager, Planning Services, dated July 6, 2020, be received; and

    That By-Law 1923 being a by-law to amend By-Law 1037 The Comprehensive Zoning By-Law for the Town of Essex, be read a first, a second and a third time and finally adopted on July 6, 2020.

RE: Results of Request for Tender - Surface Treatment 2020

  • That Capital Works and Infrastructure Report 2020-05, entitled "Results of Request for Tender - Surface Treatment 2020", dated July 6, 2020, prepared by Jackson Tang, Assistant Manager, Business Services, be received; and

    That Council awards the Request for Tender - Surface Treatment 2020 to Shepley Road Maintenance Limited in the amount of $209,046.33 including non-refundable HST.

RE: Results of Request for Tender - Surface Treatment Rehabilitation 2020

  • That Capital Works and Infrastructure Report 2020-06, entitled "Results of Request for Tender - Surface Treatment Rehabilitation 2020", prepared by Jackson Tang, Assistant Manager, Business Services, dated July 6, 2020, be received; and

    That Council awards the Surface Treatment Rehabilitation 2020 to Norjohn Contracting and Paving Limited in the amount of $1,097,501.00 including all non-refundable HST.

Chair to ask Council Members if any correspondence to be moved to 11.2 Received and Support.

  • That correspondence listed in Agenda Item 11.1 be received and, where indicated, to further share such information with the community using suitable methods of communication.

Class Order effective June 26, 2020

RE: Mandatory Face Covering inside Commercial Establishment and Establishment must ensure the availability of alcohol-based hand rub at all entrances and exits for the use of all Person entering or exiting the premises.

  • Bereavement Authority of Ontario
    RE: Attendance Guidance: Funerals and Visitations (June 15, 2020)
  • NEWS Ministry of Health
    RE: Ontario Eases Restrictions on Wedding and Funeral Ceremonies (June 13, 2020)

RE: AMO Policy Update

  • Emergency Orders Extension
  • Towing Industry Oversight

RE: June 22, 2020 - Colchester Beach to Close

RE: June 19, 2020 - Town of Essex Preparing for Extension of Patios and Outdoor Retail Spaces

RE: Potential expansion of licensed patios on municipal or commercial property

  • Joint Board of Management Minutes - May 20, 2020
  • Joint Board of Management Agenda - June 17, 2020

RE: Town of Kingsville Resolution #364-2020 RE: Request to County of Essex to consider that the traffic island at the intersection of McCain Sideroad and Heritage Road in the Town of Kingsville be redeveloped into a pollinator habitat

RE: AMO Policy Update - Provincial Emergency Extended and Tribunals Ontario

RE: Town of Amherstburg supports Town of Essex's resolution regarding their request for urgent and emergency action to be taken by all levels government to support all local farm works, including migrant workers as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the exception of mandatory testing.

RE: Tax Reprieve

Correspondence from Arlene Parr, Secretary/Treasurer of EnerQuest, dated June 26, 2020 asking if the Town of can assist with the amount of taxes this year, either by reduction or deferral, due to the COVID pandemic.

RE: Town of Essex Seeking Feedback on County Road 50 Sign By-Law

RE: Universal Basic Income

Correspondence from the Town of Amherstburg, dated June 25, 2020 advising of their support of the City of Kitchener's resolution requesting that the Ontario Provincial Government pursue a partnership with the Federal Government for the establishment of a universal basic income.

RE: Announcement - SWIFT Released RFP to Bring High-Speed Internet to More Residents in Essex County

RE: Message from Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dube, dated June 30, 2020

Notifying that his latest Annual Report, dated June 30, 2020 is available for viewing at:

RE: Resolution - Long Term Care Home Improvements

Correspondence from the City of Sarnia dated June 24, 2020, asking that the Town of Essex send a letter to Premier Ford to start implementing the resolutions to the problems in the Long Term Care Homes that have been clearly identified.

  • That correspondence from the City of Sarnia, dated June 24, 2020 requesting that the Town of Essex consider urging Premier Ford to start implementing the required resolutions to the problems that have been identified at our Long Term Care Homes, be (received/received and supported); and

    If Council choses to support the City of Sarnia' s resolution, a letter be sent to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario requesting that the Province begin implementing the changes immediately; and

    That a copy of the resolution be sent to Taras Natyshak, MPP, Chris Lewis, MP, Essex and the City of Sarnia.

RE: Consultant to valuate E.L.K. Energy

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That Council designate funds for the 2021 budget process to hire a Consultant for a valuation of E.L.K. Energy, being that it is a town owned asset and knowing its value is important to our shareholders.

15.2.1   Councillor Verbeek
             Re: Improving recycling efforts in the municipality

    Councillor Verbeek has asked that her Notice of Motion be 
    deferred to the August 4, 2020 Regular Council Meeting.


Being a by-law to provide for the James Shepley Drain Bolger Bridge, Geographic Township of Colchester North, Project REI2020D002, Town of Essex, County of Essex

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the June 15, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the July 6, 2020, Regular Meeting of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex

  • That the meeting be adjourned at [TIME].

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