Regular Council Meeting Agenda


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This meeting will be hosted and chaired from the Town of Essex Municipal Building. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic this meeting is not currently open to the public for in person attendance.
This meeting can be viewed by the public electronically via livestream and post-meeting on YouTube at

We acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat Peoples. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.

  • That the published agenda for the March 21, 2022 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented / amended.

  • That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held March 7, 2022 be adopted as circulated.

RE: Statement regarding the December 7, 2020 Regular Council Meeting

  • That the delegation by Ronald Fobe regarding the December 7, 2022 Regular Council Meeting be received.

RE: Notice of Intention to Demolish the building known as the Harrow Antique Store located at 15 King Street

  • That the delegation by Sebastien Schmoranz regarding the Notice of Intention to demolish the building known as the Harrow Antique Store located at 15 King Street be received;

    That the Notice of Intention to Demolish submitted for the listed property at 15 King Street be (received OR received and supported); and if so supported 

    That reference to the property at 15 King Street be removed from the Town of Essex Heritage Register following the 60 day notice period; and

    That the March 10, 2022 minutes of the  Essex Municipal Heritage Committee including any recommendations to Council noted therein be received , approved and adopted as circulated. 

Recommendation to Council:


Moved by: Vice Chair Paniccia

Seconded by Member Basden

That the Committee supports the heritage application to demolish listed property 15-17 King Street (Harrow Antique Shop) in Harrow.                                                                   Carried

RE: 2022 Municipal Election Voting Method

  • Appendix A to Legal and Legislative Services-2022-09 dated March 21, 2022
  • That Legal and Legislative Services-2022-09 Report entitled 2022 Municipal Election Voting Method together with Appendix A to said Report dated March 21, 2022 all as prepared by Robert W. Auger Town Solicitor/Clerk dated March 21, 2022 be received;

    That the method of voting for the 2022 Municipal Election be the following_________________________________________; and


    That Council direct Administration to return to the April 4, 2022 Regular Council Meeting  with an authorizing by-law pursuant to  the Municipal Elections Act to confirm the method of voting (including the use of alternative voting methods if applicable) and  establish advance voting for the 2022 Municipal Election.

RE: Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village (CTMHV) Light Pole Donation

Recommended Action:

  • That Office of the CAO-2022-03 Report entitled Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village (CTMHV) Light Pole Donation Request dated March 21, 2022 be received;

    That Council declare the old Harrow Light Poles as surplus in accordance with Section 35 of the Town’s Procurement By-Law 2129; and

    That the old Harrow Light Poles be donated to the Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village (CTMHV).

RE: COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Review

Recommended Action:

  • That Human Resources-2022-05 Report entitled COVD-19 Vaccination Policy Review prepared by Brandi Sieben, Manager, Human Resources dated March 21, 2022, be received; and

    That Council suspend the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for the Town of Essex effective March 22, 2022.

RE: County Road 50 West CWATS Paved Shoulders – Finance Model and Federal Active Transportation Funding Application

Recommended Action:

  • That Planning-2022-03 Report entitled County Road 50 West County-Wide Active Transportation System (“CWATS”) Paved Shoulders – Finance Model and Federal Active Transportation Funding Application prepared by Corinne Chiasson, Assistant Planner dated March 21, 2022 be received;

    That Council pre-approve the multi-year Capital Project for the completion of County Road 50 West Paved Shoulders with a total cost of $2,268,444, in partnership with the County of Essex, to be funded from 2023 through to 2026 by a total operating contribution of $375,000 and a total grant funding allocation of $1,893,444; and

    That Council support administration applying and partnering with the County of Essex for the Federal Active Transportation Fund, through Infrastructure Canada, for the construction of paved shoulders along County Road 50 West between County Road 41 and Dahinda Drive.

RE: Building Report and Development Overview February 2022

Recommended Action:

  • That Economic Development-2022-04 Report entitled Building Report and Development Overview February 2022 prepared by Nelson Silveira, Economic Development Officer dated March 21, 2022, be received for information.

RE: 3rd Concession Paved Shoulder Overage

Recommended Action:

  • That Capital Works and Asset Management-2022-01 Report entitled 3rd Concession Paved Shoulder Overage prepared by Kevin Girard, Director, Infrastructure Services dated March 21, 2022 be received; and

    That Council approve the additional expenditure in the amount of $31,751.42 (including applicable taxes) for PW-21-0042: 3rd Concession Paved Shoulder to be funded from the unallocated Ontario Community Infrastructure Funds (OCIF).

RE: Colchester Harbour Maintenance Dredging Update

Recommended Action:

  • That Parks and Facilities-2022-05 Report entitled Colchester Harbour Maintenance Dredging Update prepared by Rodney Klie, Acting Assistant Manager, Parks and Facilities dated March 21, 2022 be received for council and public information.

RE: 2021 Operating Transfers

Recommended Action:

  • That Finance and Business Services-2022-03 Report entitled 2021 Operating Transfers prepared by Kate Giurissevich, CPA, CA, Director, Corporate Services dated March 21, 2022 be received; and

    That the unused budget amounts for the items identified in Schedule A to this report be transferred to reserves for the use(s) designated in Schedule A.

RE: Light Abatement By-Law Update

Recommended Action:

  • That Legal and Legislative Services-2022-10 Report entitled Update re: Light Abatement By-Law prepared by Robert Auger, Town Solicitor/Clerk and Matthew Ducharme, Legislative Intern, dated March 21, 2022, be received for Information; and

    That Council direct Administration to prepare and return with a by-law to regulate public nuisances related to interior greenhouse light emissions in the Town of Essex, following the best practice recommendations that are expected to be received in 2022 from the greenhouse industry.

  • That the minutes of the Regular County Council Meeting held February 16, 2022 be received.

  • That all of the correspondence listed in Agenda Item 13.1 be received and, where indicated, to further share such information with the community using suitable methods of communication.

RE: AMO Policy Update - Consolidated Homelessness Prevention Program, New PTSD Rehabilitation Centre for First Responders, Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022, AMO Statement on Ukraine

RE: Greater Material Support to Ukraine in their fight against Russia

RE: Brain Tumour Awareness Month - May 2022

  • That the Proclamation request to declare May 2022 as Brain Tumour Awareness Month in the Town of Essex be received and supported and that Council hereby adopts the following proclamation as published: 


    WHEREAS, the causes of and cure for brain tumours are unknown and early detection and treatment is vital to prolonged and improved survival; and
    WHEREAS brain tumours strike people of all ages from newborns to seniors, crossing all economic, social and ethnic boundaries; and
    WHEREAS, brain tumours are the most common cause of solid cancer death in children and young adults; and
    WHEREAS, the Brain Tumour Registry of Canada is needed to know the number of Canadian children and
    adults diagnosed every day; and
    WHEREAS, the mission of Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada is to reach every Canadian affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and research;
    NOW THEREFORE I Mayor Meloche hereby proclaim the month of May 2022 as Brain Tumour Awareness Month in the Town of Essex.

RE: World Autism Day - April 2, 2022

  • That the Proclamation request to declare April 2, 2022 as World Autism Day in the Town of Essex be received and supported and that Council hereby adopts the following proclamation as published:


    WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects more than 135,000 Ontarians. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 1 in every 66 Canadian children, as well as their friends, family, and community; and approximately 1 - 2% of the Canadian population is on the autism spectrum.

    WHEREAS, ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means it not only manifests itself differently in every individual in whom it appears, but its characteristics will change over the life of each person as well. A child on the autism spectrum will become an adult on the autism spectrum; and

    WHEREAS, Autism Ontario is the leading source of information and referral on autism and one of the largest collective voices representing the autism community. Since 1973, Autism Ontario has been providing support, information, and opportunities for thousands of families and individuals across the province.

    WHEREAS, Autism Ontario is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day issues faced by individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact. The association and its Regions share common goals of providing information and education, supporting research, and advocating for programs and services for the autism community; and

    NOW THEREFORE I Mayor Meloche, do hereby declare April 2 as World Autism Day in the Town of Essex.

  • That the Section 284 - Statement of Remuneration and Expenses Paid 2021 be received for public information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That Council have a discussion regarding the lack of progress on a new High School being built in the Kingsville area for high school students of the Harrow/Colchester area.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That the vacant seat on the E.L.K Energy Board be filled by someone in the community through an application process based on qualifications and not another member of Essex Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That as part of our policies and procedures governing our election sign by-law that "Re-Elect" only be permissible when a Candidate is duly elected to an office directly by the citizens during a general election or by-election, not by appointment of Council colleagues.


Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the March 7, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 2137 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the March 7, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex be third time and finally passed on March 21, 2022.

Being a by-law to provide for Bassett Drain: Replacement Bridge and Enclosure for 730-01300, Former Geographic Township of Colchester South, Project REI2021D008, Town of Essex, County of Essex

  • That By-Law 2111 being a by-law to provide for Bassett Drain: Replacement Bridge and Enclosure for 730-01300, Former Geographic Township of Colchester South, Project REI2021D008, Town of Essex, County of Essex be read a third time and finally passed on March 21, 2022.

Being a by-law to appoint a Director, Community Services for the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 2135 being a by-law to appoint a Director, Community Services for the Town of Essex be read a first, a second and third time and finally passed on March 21, 2022.

Being a by-law to establish tax rates and additional charges for Municipal, County and Education purposes for the year 2022

  • That By-Law 2138 being a by-law to establish tax rates and additional charges for Municipal, County and Education purposes for the year 2022 be read a first, a second and finally passed March 21, 2022.

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the March 21, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 2140 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the March 21, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex be read a first and a second time and provisionally adopted on March 21, 2022.

  • That the meeting be adjourned at [TIME].

RE: Zoning By-Law Amendment: 6954 6th Concession Road

Location: Electronic Meeting via Zoom
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Location: Electronic Meeting via Zoom
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Location: Electronic Meeting via Zoom
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