Regular Council Meeting Agenda


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While Council will be holding this meeting in person from the Town of Essex Municipal Building (33Talbot Street South, Essex Ontario N8M 1A8) this meeting will only be available electronically for delegations and by livestream for members of the public via YouTube at

We acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat Peoples. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.

  • That the published agenda for the May 16, 2022 Regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented / amended.

  • That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held May 2, 2022 be adopted as circulated.

RE: Lifesaving Society Affiliate Recognition Awards 2021

Recommended Action:

  • That Recreation and Culture Report-2022-01 entitled Lifesaving Society Affiliate Recognition Awards 2021 prepared by Cynthia Cakebread, Manager, Recreation and Culture dated May 16, 2022 be received; and

    That the Lifesaving Society Annual Report Affiliate Recognition 2021 be received for Council and public information.

RE: 2022 Municipal Election Procedures for Vote and Vote-Counting Equipment

Recommended Action:

  • That Legal and Legislative Services Report-2022-19 2022 Municipal Election Procedures for Voting and Vote-counting equipment be received for Council and public information.

RE: Election Sign By-Law

Recommended Action

  • That Legal and Legislative Services Report-2022-20 Entitled  Election Sign By-Law prepared by Robert Auger, Town Solicitor/Clerk be received, and

    That By-Law Number 2028 Being a By-law to regulate the use of election signs within the geographical boundaries of the Town of Essex receive a first, a second and a third reading and be finally passed this 16th day of May 2022.

RE: Restricted Acts (Lame Duck) Delegation of Authority Provisions

Recommended Action:

  • That Legal and Legislative Services-2022-21 entitled Restricted Acts (Lame Duck) Delegation of Authority Provisions prepared by Robert W Auger, Town Solicitor/Clerk dated May 16, 2022 be received, and

    That By-Law 2157 being a by-law to Temporarily delegate certain authorities during a “Lame Duck” Council Period be read a first and a second time and be provisionally adopted on May 16, 2022.

RE: 2022 Municipal Election Accessibility Plan

Recommended Action:

  • That Legal and Legislative Services Report-2022-22 entitled 2022 Municipal Election Accessibility Plan prepared by Robert Auger, Town Solicitor/Clerk dated May 16, 2022 be received.

RE: Court of Revision for Long Marsh Drain: Replacement and Future Bridge

Recommended Action:

  • That the following three (3) members of the Drainage Board: Janice Dougherty, Percy Dufour and Felix Weigt-Bienzle be appointed to sit as members of the Court of Revision to be convened for the Long Marsh Drain: Replacement and Future Bridge, Geographic Township of Colchester South, Project REI2020D022 pursuant to the Report prepared by Gerard Rood, Professional Engineer, Rood Engineering Inc., and dated March 2, 2022 (hereinafter the “Report”), such Court of Revision to be scheduled for 5:00 pm on June 14, 2022 at the Essex Centre Sports Complex Shaheen Room; and

    That By-Law 2154 being a by-law to provide for the Long Marsh Drain: Replacement and Future Bridge, Geographic Township of Colchester South, Project REI2020D022, be read a first and a second time and be provisionally adopted on May 16, 2022.

RE: Amendments to Procedural By-Law and Electronic Participation in Meetings

  • Schedule A - Legal and Legislative Services Report-2022-16
  • Schedule B - Redline Revisions of Proposed Changes for Council's Review
  • Schedule C - By-Law 2159 Being a by-law to provide Rules and Procedure for the Conduct of Meetings of the Municipal Council and its Committees and Boards

Recommended Action:

  • That Legal and Legislative Services-2022-24 entitled Amendments to Procedural By-Law and Electronic Participation in Meetings be received;

    That By-Law 2159 Being a by-law to provide Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of Meetings of the Municipal Council and its Committees and Boards be read a first, a second, a third time and be finally passed this 16th date of May 2022; and

    That By-Law 1926 be repealed accordingly.

RE: Extension of Draft Plan Approval for Phase 3 of the Woodview Estates Residential Subdivision (Ward 1)

Recommended Action:

  • That Planning Report-2022-04 entitled Extension of Draft Plan Approval for Phase 3 of the Woodview Estates Residential Subdivision (Ward 1) prepared by Rita Jabbour, RPP, Manager, Planning Services dated May 16, 2022 be received;

    That Council approve a three (3) year extension of the draft plan of subdivision for the undeveloped portion of the Woodview Estates Subdivision, legally described as Part of LT 281, Concession South of Talbot Road (Colchester North) (File No: 37-T-12003) until July 24, 2025; and

    That Administration be directed to notify the Manager of Planning Services, County of Essex, of the Town’s support for the extension of draft plan approval.

RE: Redline Revisions for Phase 3 of the Woodview Estates Residential Subdivision (Ward 1) (File No. 37-T-12003)

Recommended Action:

  • That Planning Report-2022-13 entitled Redline Revisions for Phase 3 of the Woodview Estates Residential Subdivision (Ward 1) (File No. 37-T-12003) prepared by Rita Jabbour, RPP, Manager, Planning Services dated May 16, 2022 be received;

    That Council approve the requested redline revisions to the draft plan of subdivision for Phase 3 of the Woodview Estates Residential Subdivision subject to the following conditions of draft plan approval:

    • That an easement be registered over Block 74 (the temporary stormwater management facility) in favour of the Town of Essex for the purposes of maintenance and operation of the temporary SWMF, and,
    • That the Owner acknowledges that the temporary Stormwater Management Facility ("SWMF") may be considered permanent if the pond becomes a habitat for wildlife or if for any reason, the expansion of the Woodview SWMF as per the Town of Essex “Improvements to Essex Ward 1 Southwest Storm Sewer System –Phases 1 & 2 Class Environmental Assessment ("EA") Report (Stantec, 2021)” is not feasible or permitted by regulatory agencies/stakeholders; and

    That the Manager of Planning Services for the County of Essex be advised accordingly of Council’s resolution.

RE: Site Plan Control Amendment for 1110 Ridge Road (File No. SPC-02-22)

Recommended Action:

  • That Planning Report-2022-14 entitled Site Plan Control Amendment for 1110 Ridge Road (File No. SPC-02-22) prepared by Rita Jabbour, RPP, Manager, Planning Services dated May 16, 2022 be received; and

    That By-Law 2147, Being a By-law to Amend the Site Plan Control Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Essex and Upper Canada Growers Land INC be read a first, a second and a third time and finally passed on May 16, 2022.

RE: Result of Request for Tender – Supply and Delivery of New Single Axle Rear Mount Aerial Platform

Recommended Action:

  • That Fire and Rescue Services Report-2022-06 entitled Result of Request for Tender – Supply and Delivery of New Single or Tandem Axle Rear Mount Aerial Platform prepared by Richard Arnel dated May 16, 2022, be received;

    That Council award the Request for Tender – Supply and Delivery of a New Tandem Axle Rear Mount Aerial Platform in the total amount of $1,552,847,42 including non-refundable Harmonized Sales Tax to City View Specialty Vehicles; and

    That Council approves the additional funding of $52,847.42 including non-refundable Harmonized Sales Tax above the approved 2022 Capital Budget of $1,500,000.00 for the Supply and Delivery of one New Tandem Axle Rear Mount Aerial Platform (project FD-22-0003) to be funded from the Town’s Asset Management Reserve.

RE: Essex Streetscape Update and Schedule

Recommended Action:

  • That Capital Works and Asset Management Report-2022-02 entitled, Essex Streetscape Update and Schedule prepared by Kevin Girard, Director, Infrastructure Services dated May 16, 2022 be received.

RE: County Road 20 Connecting Link Rehabilitation

Recommended Action:

  • That Capital Works and Asset Management Report-2022-04 entitled, County Road 20 Connecting Link Rehabilitation prepared by Kevin Girard, Director, Infrastructure Services dated May 16, 2022 be received;

    That Council approve the expenditure of $100,000 for the Town of Essex share of the rehabilitation of County Road 20 from Walnut Street South to eastern limit of the County Road 20 connecting link from unspent OCIF (Ontario Community Infrastructure Funds).

RE: 9th Concession Drain Report Reconsideration

Recommended Action:

  • That Drainage-2022-05 entitled 9th Concession Drain Report Consideration prepared by Lindsay Dean, Drainage Superintendent dated May 16, 2022 be received;

    That pursuant to Section 57 of the Drainage Act the report for the 9th Concession Drain dated March 24, 2022 be referred back to Rood Engineering Inc. for reconsideration; and

    That the Drainage Board meeting minutes dated April 21, 2022 for the Consideration of Report: 9th Concession Drain, be received.

RE: Building Report and Development Overview April 2022

Recommended Action:

  • That Economic Development -2022-08 entitled Building Report and Development Overview April 2022 prepared by Nelson Silveira, Economic Development Officer dated May 16, 2022 be received for information.

RE: Essex Tourism Events Fund Application - Q2 2022

Recommended Action:

  • That Economic Development-2022-09 entitled Essex Tourism Events Fund Application – Q2 2022 prepared by Nelson Silveira, Economic Development Officer dated May 16, 2022, be received; and

    That Council approve the distribution of $1,000.00 of funding to Heritage Colchester from the Essex Tourism Events Fund.

RE: Contract Building Inspector

Recommended Action:

  • That Development Services Report-2022-07 entitled Contract Building Inspector prepared by Lori Chadwick, Director, Development Services dated May 16, 2022 be received;

    That Council approve an as-needed Contract Building Inspector from May 16, 2002 through to December 31, 2022; and

    That By-Law 2151, being a by-law to appoint Dan Boudreau as a Building Inspector for the Town of Essex, be read a first, a second and a third time and finally passed on May 16, 2022.

  • That the minutes of the Regular County Council Meeting held April 20, 2022 be received.

  • That all of the correspondence listed in Agenda Item 13.1 be received and, where indicated, to further share such information with the community using suitable methods of communication.

RE: Progress Update on Action Plan (2021-2022)

RE: Support for Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine

RE: Windsor-Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 2022-2026

RE: Draft Regulations regarding Firefighter Certification

RE: Resignation of Tony Paniccia from the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee

  • That a letter be sent to Tony Paniccia thanking him for his time spent on the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee.

RE: Request for temporary relief from the Town's Animal Care and Control By-Law 1606, Section 3.04 Number of Dogs to permit 5 dogs 

  • That correspondence from Bruce Sovran requesting exemption from Section 3.04 of By-Law 1606 being the Town of Essex Animal Care and Control By-Law to permit 5 dogs at 1175 County Road 23 until such time that 2 of the dogs are deceased be received or received and supported.

RE: National AccessAbility Week - May 27 - June 4, 2022

  • That the correspondence by the Town of Essex Accessibility Advisory Committee's, Vice Chair Lisa Wallace, asking Council to consider proclaiming National AccessAbililty Week in the Town of Essex, be received and supported; and
    That Council proclaims the week of May 27- June 4, 2022 as National AccessAbility Week in the Town of Essex by adopting the following resolution:
    Whereas, National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) takes place every year starting on the last Sunday in May. It is a time when
    accessibility and inclusion is promoted across communities and workplaces and a time to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities. It is also an opportunity to recognize the efforts of Canadians who are actively removing barriers and ensuring persons with disabilities have an equal chance to participate in all aspects of Canadian society;
    And Whereas, the increased social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities has positive economic and social benefits, for persons with disabilities, for business, the economy, and society in general;
    And Whereas, when persons with disabilities can access meaningful employment, resources and services, Canada's economy grows. Businesses have the chance to welcome more customers, service satisfaction improves and workplaces reflect Canada's diversity;
    And Whereas, by bringing Canadians together to recognize the valuable contributions of persons with disabilities, we are strengthening the collaborative effort needed to create a country that is fully accessible and inclusive;
    Therefore, I Mayor Richard Meloche, do hereby designate the week of May 27 to June 4, 2022 as National AccessAbililty Week (NAAW) in the Town of Essex.

  • That the Committee Meeting minutes listed in Agenda Item 14, together with any recommendations to Council noted therein, be received, approved and adopted as circulated.

  • That the 2023 Budget Initiation Memo be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That Council use either grant money or funds from the Council Contingency fund to construct/install an accessible bathroom at the Kinsmen field house in Ward 1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That Council direct administration to install a "No Dumping" sign on Dunn Road between 560 Dunn Road and 650 Dunn Road on the East side by the field culvert due to years and years of repeat dumping at this location.

  • Moved byCouncillor Bondy

    That Essex Council ask County Council to review its policies regarding the appointment of the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority Board and include one Representative from the Town of Essex to sit on the board due to the Town of Essex being the host municipality.

That one of the basketball nets from behind the Water Department in Harrow be installed on the cement pad at the Harrow High School for youth in the area to play 1 on 1 and other games. 

That Council direct Administration to look into a means of better protecting our public parks and Town owned properties from graffiti and other vandalism through design strategies that minimize opportunity.


Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the May 2, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 2152 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the May 2, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex be read a third time and finally passed May 16, 2022

Being a by-law to licence and regulate Short Term Rental Units in the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 2025 being a by-law to licence and regulate Short Term Rental Units in the Town of Essex be read a third time and finally passed on May 16, 2022.

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the May 16, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Essex

  • That By-Law 2158 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the May 16, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the Town of Essex be read a first and a second time and provisionally adopted May 16, 2022.

  • That the meeting be adjourned at [TIME].

RE: Preparation of New Official Plan

Location: 33 Talbot Street South
Livestream Available at

Location: 33 Talbot Street South
Livestream Available at

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