Ian Rawlings, Junior Planner provided an overview of the Essex Welds Solutions billboard request and the removal of the Holding restriction. He explained that Essex Welds Solutions requested to erect a billboard on the lands located at 14978 14th Concession Road which is designated Industrial and is zoned Manufacturing District 2.1 under the Town of Essex Official Plan. He noted that the proposed billboard would be double sided, with one side facing west bound traffic along Kings Highway Number 3 and will be static in nature while the other side facing east bound would consist of an electronic media format. He stated that the sign would be approximately 3 meters in height and 6 meters in width with a setback of approximately 30 meters from the lot line abutting Kings Highway Number 3. He further noted that the applicant is looking to reduce the minimum dwell time from 180 seconds to 20 seconds as permitted by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) which is more reflective of driving at 80 kilometers per hour. He stated that this would be the first digital billboard introduced in the Town of Essex thus the site-specific by-law would expire after 5 years.
Mr. Rawlings explained that the sign by-law states that a billboard shall only be permitted by a site-specific by-law approved by Council and should reference the details outlined in schedule B of the by-law.
Council discussed concerns regarding the location of the sign, the size of the sign, the dwell time and the required setbacks.
Administration recommended approving two readings or deferring this motion to the February 20, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.
The recommended action from the report was as follows:
Moved By Councillor McGuire-Blais
Seconded By Deputy Mayor Shepley
That Planning Report 2024-30 entitled Essex Welds Solutions Billboard Request and Removal of Holding (H) Zone Restriction prepared by Ian Rawlings, Junior Planner dated February 5, 2024, be received;
That By-Law Number 2297, being a By-Law to permit the erection of one (1) static billboard sign facing West bound traffic, and one (1) digital Media billboard sign facing east bound traffic located at 14978 14th Concession Road, south of Kings Highway Number 3 be read a first and a second time and a third time and finally passed on February 5, 2024; and
That By-Law Number 2298, being a By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1037, the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law for the Town of Essex be read a first, a second time and a third time and finally passed on February 5, 2024.
After a friendly amendment Deputy Mayor Shepley withdrew himself as a seconder.
By way of friendly amendment the stated motion was amended as follows:
Council brought forth a new motion to defer the Essex Welds Solutions billboard request to the February 20, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.