That the correspondence from Childcan asking Council to consider proclaiming September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the Town of Essex be received or received and supported; and if supported
That Council proclaim the month of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the Town of Essex by adopting the following resolution:
Whereas, September is officially recognized internationally as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month;
Whereas, the most recent data shows that cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death in children;
Whereas, cancer in children affects aspects of their physical, emotional, and social development, as well as their family and school life, effects which research shows are long-lasting;
Whereas, Childcan believes childhood cancer must be designated a child health priority, and that support services for families are critical;
Whereas, Childcan raises awareness and funds to provide personalized, responsive, and compassionate programs and services to families facing the childhood cancer journey from diagnosis, through treatment, post-treatment care, or bereavement;
Whereas, organizations which support families dealing with childhood cancer are working together to raise awareness of this disease and its devastating effects, as well as raising funds to support the affected families and children; and
Whereas, raised awareness and funds will help these families and children deal with the emotional and financial toll.
Therefore, I Sherry Bondy, Mayor of the Town of Essex do hereby proclaim September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.