Committee of Adjustment Meeting Agenda

Location: Essex Municipal Building, 33 Talbot Street South

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We acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat Peoples. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.

  • That the published agenda for the August 20, 2024, Committee of Adjustment Meeting be adopted as presented / amended.

  • That the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting held June 18, 2024, be adopted as circulated.

A consent application has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 255 Laird Avenue, in Essex Centre. The applicants are proposing to sever a + 291 square metre (3,132 square foot) parcel from the existing + 578 square metre (6,220 square foot) residential lot. The retained residential lot is proposed to have an area of + 287 square metres (3,087square feet). The applicant is proposing this consent for the creation of one (1) residential lot to accommodate a Semi-Detached Dwelling Unit.

  • That application B-15-24 be approved / denied.

An application for minor variance has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 332 Laird Avenue, in Essex Centre. The applicants are looking to construct a two (2) storey accessory building with a total building height of 7.02 metres (23.05 ft) and a gross floor area of 178.0 square metres (1,916 sqft). Therefore, the applicants are requesting relief from the following sections of Zoning By-law 1037 to permit the accessory building:

  • Section 14.1 b) v. which limits the maximum building height of an accessory building to one (1) storey,
  • Section 14.1 b) x. which limits the size of an accessory building and combination of accessory buildings to 70 square metres (750 sqft) and 92 square metres (1,000 sqft) respectively.
  • That application A-13-24 be approved / denied

  • That the meeting be adjourned at __________.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at Town Hall, Council Chambers, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex