The Corporation of the Town of Essex

Essex Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes

Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre, 243 McAffee Street
  • Chair - Basden, Perry
  • Member - Baldwin, Jacqueline
  • Councillor - Hammond, Rodney, Ward 4
  • Member - Kowtiuk, Laurie
  • Member - Peters, Grant
  • Member, Clarkson, Connie
  • Member - Kokovai, Richard
  • Councillor - Matyi, Jason, Ward 3, Vice Chair
  • Member - Matyi Linda
Also Present:
  • Rita Jabbour, Manager, Planning Services
  • Cheyenne Mailloux, Heritage and Planning Intern
  • Ian Rawlings, Junior Planner
  • Marsha Buchta, Recording Secretary

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The Chair, Perry Basden, called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m.

We acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat Peoples. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.

There were no declarations of conflict of interest noted at this time.

  • EMHC24-07-48
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByLaurie Kowtiuk

    That the published agenda for the July 25, 2024 Essex Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting be adopted as amended to revise the order of presentations, hearing Edward Milo Johnson first and Katherine Dowling second.

  • EMHC24-07-49
    Moved ByConnie Clarkson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hammond

    That the minutes of the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee meeting held June 27, 2024 be adopted as circulated.


Mr. Edward Milo Johnson provided additional information on barn quilts, advising they may have been used in conjunction with the underground railroad as a communication tool. He recommended collaborating with the Freedom Museum, Walls Museum, Dresden Museum, Chatham Mecca Museum, Buxton Museum and Windsor, Essex Black Historical Society. Mr. Johnson advised that we may want to set up the Barn Quilt Tour with the Ontario Quilt Trail Association.   Mr. Johnson displayed his family quilt, the Grayer Family Heirloom Quilt, providing historical relevance to the symbols displayed on the quilt.

Mr. Johnson also provided information on the Gilgal Cemetery as well as some other cemeteries in Essex; Chavis Cemetery, Wilkes Baptist Cemetery, Pleasant Valley and Matthews Cemetery.

Mr. Johnson commented that it would be nice if there was some signage / recognition on the Heritage properties, including cemeteries.

Katherine Dowling and her son William (Bill) Dowling attended the Heritage Meeting to provide some information on the Snider House and their interest in continuing to maintain the Heritage features of the property.  The house was built in 1813 and has been maintained by the family for over 200 years.  They are interested in learning more about what programs may be available to allow them, via funding, to continue to restore the house to its original state.  They have the original deed signed by the King.

Ms. Jabbour advised they are preparing a report for Council's decision on August 12, where they will make a decision on the Designation of the property.  If it passes, the designation will be registered on title of the property.

Ms. Rita Jabbour provided an update to the Heritage Committee advising them of the upcoming dates of Open Houses for the draft of the Official Plan to seek Community feedback.

Ms. Jabbour informed the committee that administration is updating the grant program to hopefully provide tax incentives.  They are also looking to open it up to non-listed properties.  The Town is looking to set up a relief program so residents could receive up to 50% rebate to repair and restore qualifying properties up to $10,000.  The Town may offer rebates of up to 100% of costs associated with hiring a Heritage Consultant or Architect up to $2,000-$3,000 or alternatively absorbing Planning Act fees and Building Permit Fees.  This will be property specific, and an application will be drafted to submit for approval.  Once this has been finalized, it will be brought to the Committee for review.

As September is Library Month, Staff Liaison Rita Jabbour suggested that the plaque be unveiled, Thursday, September 5.  It is after Labour Day.  A time will be decided by ECHRS. 

  • EMHC24-07-50
    Moved ByLaurie Kowtiuk
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hammond

    That Thursday, September 5, 2024 be designated for the unveiling of the Carnegie Library Plaque.  


Ms. Jabbour advised the Committee that the last day for objection to Designation on the first properties is July 27, 2024.  The Town has received one letter of objection from the Board of Trustees for the Essex United Church.  They acknowledge the building has historical significance, but feel prospective buyers devalue the purchase price based on Designation.  The Heritage Committee will leave recommendation to Council as it stands.

Ms. Cheyenne Mailloux provided an overview of the 400 County Rd. 13 Klie Farm, located in Colchester. The Victorian era farmhouse was built in 1889 by Henry & Albert Klie. It meets 4 criteria for designation.

  • EMHC24-07-51
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByLaurie Kowtiuk

    That the Committee recommend to Council that Klie Farm located at 400 County Road 13, Colchester, be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990.


Ms. Mailloux delivered a summary of the building located at 18 Talbot Street North in Essex.  Originally housing the Imperial Bank of Canada, it was the first chartered bank in Essex.  It was later sold and repurposed as Bennigan's lounge.  It meets 3 of the criteria for designation.

  • EMHC24-07-52
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByJacqueline Baldwin

    That the Committee recommend to Council that 18 Talbot Street North in Essex, be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990.


Ms. Mailloux provided an overview of the property known as Arthur Raines house, built between July 1886 and April 1887.It meets three criteria for designation.

  • EMHC24-07-53
    Moved ByLaurie Kowtiuk
    Seconded ByConnie Clarkson

    That the Committee recommend to Council that Arthur Raines House located at 94 Talbot Street South be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990.


Ms. Mailloux provided a summary of the property located at 98 Talbot Street South; Essex known as the Essex United Church Manse.  The house was built between 1886 and 1892.  It meets three designation criteria.

  • EMHC24-07-54
    Moved ByConnie Clarkson
    Seconded ByLaurie Kowtiuk

    That the Committee recommend to Council that 98 Talbot Street South, Essex United Church Manse be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990. 


Ms. Cheyenne Mailloux provided an overview of the Folk Victorian architectural style home, built with materials from the local brickyard.  It meets two designation criteria.

  • EMHC24-07-55
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByLaurie Kowtiuk

    That the Committee recommend to Council that 102 Talbot Street South, be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990. 


Ms. Mailloux informed the Committee of the history of the Heaton building located at 21 King Street in Harrow.  Built in 1901 by Robert Heaton for his farm implement business, later housing a bank, showroom, bakery and restaurant.  It meets two criteria for designation.

  • EMHC24-07-56
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByJacqueline Baldwin

    That the Committee recommend to Council that 21 King Street, Harrow, Heaton Building be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990. 


Ms. Mailloux provided an overview of the Station Master's House, built in 1897 by Michael P. O'Connor. It is located at 314 Queen Street in Harrow and is representative of a late 19th century Victoria hybrid home built with local materials.  It meets two designation criteria. 

  • EMHC24-07-57
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByJacqueline Baldwin

    That the Committee recommend to Council that 314 Queen Street, Harrow - Station Master's House be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990. 


The stone house located across the road from the Snider property was built in the 1920's by Ernie Byran. Historical research will be done on the property to determine if the Committee feels there is merit to listing or designating the property.

Councillor Hammond will review properties submitted and provide addresses so that additional historical information can be provided on the properties.

The barn quilt pamphlet continues to be revised with feedback from the members.  It is still in the draft stage. We can continue to put together more information and send to members for feedback. 

Committee Member Clarkson advised that she had spoken with Leslie Huffman who has a lot of displays on barn quilts, which could be displayed at the Harrow Fair.  Ms. Clarkson's family has a display at the Harrow Fair currently and the opposite side is available if a display wanted to be put up, her family would be available to ensure it was secured without requiring staff.

  • EMHC24-07-58
    Moved ByCouncillor Hammond
    Seconded ByConnie Clarkson

    That the meeting be adjourned at 7:16 p.m.


Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre, Harrow Arena, 243 McAffee Street, Harrow.