Daryl Abbs, Managing Partner, Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. presented the Development Charges Study for the Town of Essex and the proposed charges and policies. He explained that the purpose of development charges is to recover the capital costs associated with residential and non-residential growth within a municipality and explained the methodology of calculating the development charges.
Mr. Abbs explained recent legislations including Bill 109: More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 and Bill 185: Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 which provided various changes including the addition of development charges exemptions. He noted that there are currently no discretionary exemptions in the current by-law, however Council can consider allocating development charge discretionary exemptions such as places of worship, bona fide farms, hospitals and cemetery or burial grounds. He provided a chart of the current development charges rates with the growth forecast summary along with a rate comparison among municipalities.
Mr. Abbs stated that the Town currently does not have a water service development cahrge, however, the Town imposes a capital charge for water connections through the Municipal Act. He further stated that it is recommended that the Town continue this approach for all new and existing development that will connect to the Town’s water system.
Mr. Abbs noted that the next step is to bring forth by-laws for Council's consideration at the October 7, 2024 Regular Council Meeting,
By way of resolution, Council received Aaron Hanaka as a delegate. Mr. Hanaka explained that he resides at 14028 Pinkerton Side Road and stated that there is no benefit to connecting to the Town's water system. He asked Administration if the Wastewater Reserve could offset the cost whereby Director Giurissevich advised that the Reserve cannot be used to cover future growth.
Council discussed the Development Charges Study and future development.