Committee of Adjustment Meeting AgendaTuesday, January 21, 2025 at 5:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Location: Essex Municipal Building, 33 Talbot Street SouthAccessible formats or communication supports are available upon request. Please contact the Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or 519-776-7336 extension 1100 or 1101. 1.Call to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement We acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprised of the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat Peoples. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.3.Declarations of Conflict of Interest 4.Adoption of Published Agenda 4.1Committee of Adjustment Meeting Agenda for January 21, 2025 That the published agenda for the January 21, 2025 Committee of Adjustment Meeting be adopted as presented / amended.5.Adoption of Minutes 5.1Committee of Adjustment Minutes for December 17, 2024 1.Rev.DRAFT_Meeting Minutes - Committee of Adjustment_Dec17_2024.pdfThat the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting held December 17, 2024 be adopted as circulated.6.Reports from Administration/Applications 1.Severance Locations_DEC24.pdf6.1A-02-25 | 955 County Road 50 | Kiwanis Club of Windsor c/o Dan Inverarity 1.A-02-25 - 955 County Road 50 Public Notice.pdf2.A_02_25.pdfAn application for minor variance has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 955 County Road 50, in the former Township of Colchester South. The applicants are looking to permit the expansion and enlargement of a legal non-conforming use. The applicants wish to construct an addition to the existing + 225.1 square metre (2,422.5 sqft) bunk house. The bunk house is used to accommodate staff of the Kiwanis Camp. The addition will be + 108.56 square metres (1,168.5 sqft) and will be located + 58.29 m (191.25 ft) from the front lot line, + 7.01 m (23 ft) from the western exterior lot lineThat application B-02-25 be approved / denied.6.2B-01-25 | 4522 4th Concession Road | Ronald Regan Catherwood & Kathleen Declie Catherwood 1.Public Notice B-01-25 - 4522 4th Concession Road.pdf2.B_01_25.pdfA consent application has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 4522 4th Concession Road, former Colchester South. The applicants are proposing to sever a + 0.36 hectares (0.89 acres) parcel from the existing + 15.38 hectares (38 acres) agricultural lot. The retained agricultural lot is proposed to have an area of + 14.98 hectares (37.02 acres). The applicant is proposing this consent because the dwelling has been deemed surplus to the needs of the farming operation.That application B-01-25 be approved / denied.6.3A-01-25 | 4522 4th Concession Road | Ronald Regan Catherwood & Kathleen Declie Catherwood 1.Public Notice A-01-25 - 4522 4th Concession Road.pdf2.B_01_25(1).pdfAn application for minor variance has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 4522 4th Concession Road, in the former Township of Colchester South. As a result of a surplus severance on the subject lands, the lot width of the severed parcel will be reduced to + 40.16 metres (131.76 feet), and the lot area for the severed and retained parcels will be reduced from + 15.38 hectares (38 acres) to + 0.36 hectares (0.89 acres) and + 14.98 hectares (37.02 acres), respectively. Relief is therefore required from Section 13.1 b) i) which states: The minimum lot width for lots within Agricultural District 1.1 (A1.1) is the lesser of 60 metres (200 feet) or as existing, unless otherwise specifically provided, and Section 13.1 b) ii) of the Zoning By-law which states: The minimum lot area for lots within Agricultural District 1.1 (A1.1) is 40 hectares (100 acres) or as existing.That application A-01-25 be approved / denied.6.4B-32-22 | 14798 14th Concession Road (Pinkerton) | Inspiration Industrial Park c/o Abe Friesen |Agent Jackie Lassaline 1.B-32-22- 14978 14th Concession Road (Industrial Lot Creation) .pdf2.B_02_25.pdfApplication previously deferred.A consent application has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 14978 14th Concession Road in the former Township of Colchester North, Ward 2. The subject lands have a total lot area of +13.5 Hectares and are designated and zoned to accommodate General Industrial Uses. The applicants are proposing to sever five (5) lots for industrial lot creation. The severance proposal is as follows and the lots will not be developed until such time servicing is constructed and site plan approval is granted: Lot 1 will have a lot area of 4.04 Hectares Lot 2 will have a lot area of 1.66 Hectares Lot 3 will have a lot area of 1.86 Hectares Lot 4 will have a lot area of 1.65 Hectares Lot 5 will have a lot area of 0.81 Hectares The retained lands will have a total area of 2.73 Hectares. An easement for access purposes is also proposed to be created over Lot 3 and is further described in the Notice of Public Hearing for Consent Application B-02-25.That application B-32-22 be approved / denied.6.5B-02-25 (Easement)|14798 14th Concession Road (Pinkerton)|Inspiration Industrial Park c/o Abe Friesen | Agent Jackie Lassaline 1.B-02-25 -14978 14th Concession Road (Consent for Easement- Right of Way) Public Notice.pdf2.B_02_25(1).pdfA consent application has been received by the Town of Essex Committee of Adjustment for the lands located at 14978 14th Concession Road in the former Township of Colchester North, Ward 2. The applicants are proposing to create a +24-metre-wide easement for the purpose of road access in favour of the industrial lots proposed to be created by consent application B-32-22.That application B-02-25 be approved / denied.7.Adjournment That the meeting be adjourned at __________.8.Future Meetings Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. at Town Hall, Council Chambers, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Severance Locations_DEC24.pdf1.A-02-25 - 955 County Road 50 Public Notice.pdf2.A_02_25.pdf1.Public Notice B-01-25 - 4522 4th Concession Road.pdf2.B_01_25.pdf1.Public Notice A-01-25 - 4522 4th Concession Road.pdf2.B_01_25(1).pdf1.B-32-22- 14978 14th Concession Road (Industrial Lot Creation) .pdf2.B_02_25.pdf1.B-02-25 -14978 14th Concession Road (Consent for Easement- Right of Way) Public Notice.pdf2.B_02_25(1).pdf1.Rev.DRAFT_Meeting Minutes - Committee of Adjustment_Dec17_2024.pdf